St. Catherine of Siena Educational Institute
About Our School
The St. Catherine of Siena Educational Institute Homeschool Co-op is a day school for girls in Grades 7-12, teacher led, and follows a fully Traditional Catholic curriculum.
St. Catherine of Siena Educational Institute is a private endeavour, made up of a group of dedicated Traditional Catholic families, coming together to share resources and hire teachers to teach our daughters. This co-op is a day school for girls in Grades 7-12, teacher led, and follows a fully Traditional Catholic curriculum. We are located only 5 minutes away from St. Peter's Catholic Church in New Hamburg, which allows our girls to be able to attend daily Mass.
Why did we choose St. Catherine of Siena as our school patron saint?
We believe her inspiration is twofold. Firstly, St. Catherine of Siena was a sister of the Dominican order, and it is important for our girls to aspire to the religious life, as God so pleases, and to imitate such an intelligent and generous soul as hers. Secondly, St. Catherine of Siena was her parents' twenty-third child, giving a wonderful example to those girls who might be called to the married life. We, parents, know the beauty of bringing souls into the world; but, we also know the crosses that we must bear, day-to-day, in caring for and raising these souls to return to God. To know that it was child number twenty-three that gave the Catholic Church one of Its greatest saints certainly inspires strength and courage in carrying out and persevering in God's Will.